What a dry spell ... 6 weeks (!!!) ... but broken at last. I suspect some readers wonder if I'd given up the blog, or, more unbelievable, surfing.
Mostly, there just hasn't been anything worth surfing on a weekend since early March. It wasn't glorious, but at least there were waves to be surfed yesterday, at last, on a warm and sunny morning.
Mostly, there just hasn't been anything worth surfing on a weekend since early March. It wasn't glorious, but at least there were waves to be surfed yesterday, at last, on a warm and sunny morning.
A scattering of sticks hung around the Main Peak area, picking their way through the sporadic sets.
Mark Ghattas arrived and we swam out north of the Main Peak, working that area largely alone for the first hour. An inconsistent, but peaky, a modest
mixture of swell was coming in, waist to chest high. The winds held off
until after 10:00, leaving a glassy surface with an occasional hollow
little tube, like the one below - Mark Ghattas caught as I re-entered, after grabbing my GoPro following the first hour (better seen full screen by clicking on it):
Evidently, finding our waves more appealing than theirs, the sticks moved north into our area, so we flipped south and worked are area between the rocks and main peak for the second hour.
It may not have been one of the most memorable sessions, but after such a long spell out of the water, it sure was great to get wet again! A few clips from the morning in the video below: