Sunday, December 20, 2009

Breaking in Venice

Rode today more just 'cuz it had been three weeks and mostly to get in the water with Joe & Allan.  I've not been in the water with Allan in ages, and Joe's just back from 5 months in Ghana.  Joe had some great sessions in South Bay Thursday and Rincon Friday, but the swell fell way off for the weekend.

After a family brunch on the coast, I met up with Joe & Allan North of the Venice pier at one of  Allan's regular spots.  I'd not been in there, before.  I can see the promise with a bit more size as there are some sandbars creating peaks and a little jetty that would throw off rights.  They call the right off the jetty Romo's...but that's another story.

It was small - waist to chest - but very clean and glassy for most of the session.  I've not been out in the afternoon since summer, but the conditions were great.  Though many were closed out, there were some fun rides to be had on set waves, a few good tubes and a couple of longer rides.  Chilly water, filtered wintry sunlight on a glossy surface.  A handful of surfers spread out from the pier up to the jetty, four blocks North. 

The real joy was being in the water with Joe & Allan.

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