Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Sunday Parking

An exceptional way to close out the year at the Park:

34 degrees as I left Pasadena, passing the empty stands erected for the Rose Parade and staring into the Southern winter sunrise as I toured South on 5.

Bret had driven up from Cardiff and was watching from the rail as I arrived.  The swell was just starting to fill in.  Very clean lines, well separated in long interval.  Glassy surface with an offshore breeze combing the tops of the set waves.  Sand bars fighting to create peaks in the straight lines coming in...sometimes working, sometimes close outs.  Very hollow, sparkling under the early morning sun in clear skies.

A beautiful day.  Hugh and Neil had pulled in by the time we went to suit up, and Mark eventually joined us.

From the North of Main Peak all the way to the steps, a stretch of surf to share amongst only six bodysurfers.

In the water, great aloha amongst the SCSP die-hards along with a welcome cameo appearance by Bret da
Threat, in cowl and all.  

I lost count: smooth drop in over glossy surface that quickly steepened into a vertical wall onto which to cling as a clear curtain pitches overhead, morphing first into a wide tunnel centered on a Southeast morning winter
sun, then into an illuminated blue-green glow as the closed tube held wide open for elongated seconds. 

Interlaced were a few well-placed corners offering long slides into the inside.

A sparkling morning!

A video of the morning and pre-session at YouTube - click here or the title above.

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